
Weekly Action Recap (Sept 22)

Your action recap for the week of September 22nd, 2019
Sep 27, 20193 min read

Level up your open finance game three times a week. I’m releasing this Free for Everyone until November 1. Get the Bankless program by subscribing below.

Dear Crypto Natives,

Almost finished our first month together on the program! I’ll send you the monthly recap soon. Crazy how fast people are leveling up.

I’m also announcing a 🔥new resource for Early Believers today. Drop past the recap below to check it out—if you like free stuff and good deals you’ll love this.


Recap for the week of September 22nd, 2019



  1. Execute any good market opportunities you saw in Market Monday
  2. Complete weekly assignment: Get an insurance quote on Nexus Mutual
  3. Implement a crypto tax system (I like Cointracking)
  4. Schedule review of gains/losses on a monthly or quarterly basis
  5. Ask yourself: should you consider a crypto barbell strategy?
  6. NEW RESOURCE 🔥🔥🔥- Check out the Deal Sheet I just introduced!


Now that the Bankless community has grown into the thousands I’ve discovered we have a special new power—the power to get better deals on crypto products!

So here’s what I’m going to do for us.

I’m going to use this power to scour the crypto banks, tax software, media subscriptions, wallets, and money protocols for the best deals I can find for us. And then I’ll update them on a Deal Sheet on continuous basis.

Of course only full subscribers get access to the Deal Sheet.

What types of deals?

Stuff like this:

  • $50 free when you fund a crypto lending account
  • 10% off your favorite crypto tax software
  • 3 months free for that crypto accounting software you wanted to try

Best of all—it’s live now! There’s close to 10 deals today. But as this gathers steam I’ll be adding dozens more including some of your favorite crypto products.

“I really want the Deals Sheet but haven’t committed.” I can solve this. Just commit! If you subscribe now you’ll get access to the Deals Sheet, plus 20% off, plus an Inner Circle invite, plus Early Believer status forever.

There’s already enough deals there to pay for your subscription. And this is just Day 1.

You know how Bezos kept adding value to his Amazon Prime membership until you just had to subscribe? That’s my plan for Bankless memberships. Keeps getting better.

And it’s pretty important to me that Early Believers always get the biggest benefit.

Get access to the Deals Sheet!

Access the Deals Sheet by subscribing now. No program interruption. 20% off forever. Inner Circle—costs less than Netflix. Is there a better ROI in crypto right now?


Maybe! I released 100 more slots last Monday to the Inner Circle for Early Believers.
There may be a few left—click here to see.

Hot topics this week in the Inner Circle:

  • Effect of Venezuela adding ETH and BTC to its balance sheet
  • Bitcoin as a store of value
  • Tools for FIFO vs lot indication strategies for US taxes
  • What assets are truly safe assets in the Crypto Barbell strategy?
  • Reasons not to buy crypto on margin
  • How safe is BlockFi really?

Really exciting growth—it’s been a perfect complement to the program for those who want to level up at warp speed.

Get the Inner Circle!

Get access to the invite by subscribing. No interruption in program. 20% off forever. Inner Circle. And now the Deals Sheet. $1.76 per week right now. This price won’t last.

Pay with crypto

It’s still a bit manual, but now you can pay using ETH, BTC, or USDC. Annual subscription only. Full Early Believer status.

You subscribed? Awesome. Share it! Like Micha did this week…

Even if you thought you’d never pay for a newsletter…

Salesman or talented crypto thinker? IDK, I just live for this stuff…😉

Tag me on twitter when you subscribe & I’ll deliver 3 x 🔥.

We have 1 billion people to onboard.

Let’s get going!

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. I’ll always disclose when this is the case

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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