
Welcome to the Inner Circle (Wave 2 - Early Believers only)

A special invitation exclusively to Bankless Early Believers (Wave 2)
Sep 23, 20192 min read

Thank you for being an Early Believer and making the commitment to level up. Congrats on your exclusive invitation to join the Bankless Inner Circle.

Can’t wait to see you there!


P.S. I’m releasing the Inner Circle invite in waves. This is wave 2. The invite above will work for the next 100 Early Believers, so claim yours quickly.


Yes. The Inner Circle!

It’s a resource I’ve launched to help you level-up your open finance skills at warp speed. It compliments the newsletter program.

Complements how? Our weekly training schedule keeps us moving forward, but we also need a place to compare notes. A place to gather and talk. A water cooler.

The Bankless Inner Circle is our water cooler. There we can:

  • Compare notes on opportunities (“what’s your experience with Compound?”)
  • Ask questions to the community (“is a Maker loan taxable in the US?”)
  • Get help with assignments (“I’m having trouble with Argent—any ideas?”)

The best part? Everyone you find in the Inner Circle is a kindred spirit—a passionate user of crypto money systems. The vanguard.

We can use the Inner Circle to guide each other. To help each other. To level up together. We don’t have to figure this stuff out alone.

And I’ll be there too. Dropping early announcements, pointing out interesting opportunities, asking for feedback on the program—and this cool, Early Believers will get to shape the program in the weeks to come. This like a back stage pass.


Now! Below is your invite. Redeem it!


I choose Discord to host the Inner Circle (download here). I like the setup. More importantly I like the 🔥 emojis. I’m just waiting for the day someone says something worthy of 4 x fire.


The Discord channels are setup as follows:

  • 🚀Chat—all chat about open finance, crypto money, and the program
  • 🥇Hot opportunities—discussion and links to hot open finance opportunities
  • 📄Weekly Assignments—discussion of Bankless program weekly assignments
  • 🗣Polls—Polls for group feedback

And when you join please:

  1. go to the intros chaannel;
  2. introduce yourself;
  3. share your favorite money protocol


Common spaces like this work better if we all agree to some house rules:

  1. Be respectful
  2. Stay on topic
  3. Don’t shill bad projects
  4. Don’t share chat logs or screenshots


Tell the world you joined the Bankless Inner Circle.

Like Sunil did:

That’s how we onboard more people to the cause!

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.