
Weekly Action Recap

Your action recap for the week of November 23rd, 2020
Nov 28, 20203 min read

Level up your crypto finance game five times a week. Get on the Bankless Program.

Dear Bankless Nation,

It’s official. Eth2 will begin on December 1st. There’s now over 800,000 ETH locked up in the deposit contract breaching the original threshold by over 50%.


The Ethereum Community succeeded.

Tuesday marks the beginning of a new decentralized economy—one that’s scalable, censorship resistant, and the foundation for a bankless future. (We spoke to Vitalik about the significance of this—subscribe to Bankless YouTube to catch that conversation)

That means the Ethereum Challengers will have a long battle if they want to claim the throne for this future. The takeaway?

Don’t bet against the Ethereum Community.

Let’s get to the recap.


P.S. Last call to get a Ledger Nano at 40% off! This deal is ending soon.

🙏 Sponsor: Argent – DeFi in a tap (👈 go download this wallet now - RSA)

Recap for the week of November 23rd, 2020


Listen to episode 40 | iTunes | Spotify | YouTube | RSS Feed



📺 Watch State of the Nation #24: Triumphant! w/ @Nic_Carter

2017 vs. 2020 bull markets, what’s different this time around??

We’re now live streaming State of the Nation—join us at 2pm EST every Tuesday!

🗞️ Latest Weekly Rollup. Download the week in crypto to your brain in this 25 min show.


  1. Execute any good market opportunities you saw in Market Monday
  2. Learn how to mint DPI and yield farm INDEX
  3. Consider The Bull Case for Ethereum Challengers
  4. Read the stories behind the Humans of Bankless 🔥
  5. Predict: Who do you have to thank for getting into crypto?

Watch & Listen

  1. 🎙️ Listen to WTF Happened in 2020 with Meltem Demirors 🔥
  2. 📺 Watch State of the Nation #24: TRIUMPHANT
  3. 📺 Watch Intro to Deriswap with Andre Cronje
  4. 📺 Watch Meet the Nation: Nascent & Empty Set Dollar with Dan Elitzer
  5. 📺 Watch Weekly Rollups - 4th Week of November - new show!

These babies going for $293 this morning…ALPHA LEAK?

Only 7 left!

Go Bankless. $12 / mo. Includes archive access, Inner Circle & Badge(pay w/ crypto)

🙏Thanks to our sponsor


You were promised the future of money. Instead you got '90s banking UX and a paper password. Enough is enough. Argent protects your assets and gives you peace of mind. Earn interest and invest in a tap. No seed phrase. No problem. This is one of the best DeFi mobile wallets in the game today. Start exploring DeFi on the go with Argent. 🔥

👆Guys…this is my #1 recommended DeFi wallet. Stop reading this and go download it. - RSA

Tag Bankless on twitter and tell us how you’re going bankless for 3 x 🔥

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Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. I’ll always disclose when this is the case

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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