
The 3.5% Rule (Market Monday)

How 11m passionate crypto users can change the world
Sep 30, 20197 min read

Level up your open finance game three times a week. I’m releasing this Free for Everyone until November 1. Get the Bankless program by subscribing below.

Dear Crypto Natives,

It’s Market Monday! Every week I scan the open finance market to surface the best opportunities and insights for us.

Non-violent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts. The ones that engaged 3.5% of the population never failed to bring about a change.

This is called the 3.5% rule.

Throughout history we’ve seen an intolerant minority gain the ability to impose their virtue on the majority through sheer willpower: civil rights movement in the U.S., Gandhi’s Quit India movement, the People Power movement in the Philippines—a determined minority can tilt the world.

Going bankless is form of non-violent protest.

Holding non-state currencies. Using an alternative financial system. Believing in self-sovereign money. It’s opting out of a system.

The separation of money from banks is our revolution.

And it’s a revolution in technology—too beneficial to be stopped. A society can’t afford to ignore it. They’ll fall too far behind. It’d be like ignoring the next internet.

But how long will it take—how many of us have to go bankless first?

The 3.5% rule shows that the few can tilt the world of the many:

  • 3.5% of the world is only 270m people
  • 3.5% of Africa is only 42m people
  • 3.5% of Argentina is only 1.5m people.

And 3.5% of the U.S. is only 11m people.

Can we get 11m passionate users of crypto finance?

We still have a ways to go. But maybe we’re closer than we thought.


ETH and BTC prices were crushed last week—but fundamentals didn’t change so that means we just keep dollar cost averaging—steady hands, no blinking


Scan this section and dig into anything interesting

Market numbers

  • ETH down to $174 from $209 last Monday
  • BTC down to $8,132 from $9,918 last Monday
  • Maker stability fees down to 10.5%—almost single digits

Market opportunities

New stuff

What’s hot

Money reads

Last day to earn $40 by subscribing—you can get paid $40 for subscribing to Bankless & funding a BlockFi account—1. Subscribe to Bankless 2. Get access to Deal Sheet 3. Use BlockFi deal & get $50—net earnings—$40. Last day! 🔥


Check out a few opportunities I’m capturing right now with my crypto money

Explored a DeFi credit card. Yes, I’m on a hunt to find the best crypto credit card. I’ve signed up for BlockCard, am taking a look a Nexo, Monolith, and Crypto.com. I’m finding each of them have quirks—for instance—BlockCard looks cool, but why on earth do they inject a token call Tern into their product? I hope to get back to you with some answers.


Bankless subscribers are leveling up like crazy—here are cool things you did last week

  1. Lend DAI, borrowed ETH, used Uniswap, bought Set - @slengas 🔥
  2. Lent DAI on Compound using an Aragon DAO - @lightcoin 🔥
  3. Helped 1k Venezuelans buy ETH using bolivars - @LocalEthereum 🔥
  4. Lent DAI on Compound and signed up for Bankless - @funnydesigner
  5. Contributed to gitcoin grant that matched 50x - @owocki
  6. Used OpenSea to bid on ENS short names - @R_Tyler_Smith
  7. Got paid in USDC and ETH - @lastmjs
  8. Explored Zerion, Multis, and InstaDapp - @neerajT4
  9. Running an ETH node on Avado hardware - @westcoatswalka
  10. Bought the Dip - @chainlinkgod

I love this community of doers!


Make time to complete this assignment before next week

Go to a virtual DeFi Conference. (2-4 hours) You don’t have to travel anywhere or buy a ticket to go to a crypto conference. You can construct your own virtual conference and learn on your own schedule. I do this all of the time—it’s been pivotal in my path to leveling up. This week I want you to attend the DeFi Summit Conference virtually.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Look at the 50+ DeFi Summit videos that were just released
  2. Make playlist of 3-5 videos of interest (my recommendations below)
  3. Schedule 2-4 hours to watch videos (try 1.5x playback speed)

If you have followup questions—find the presenters on twitter and ping them.

DeFi Summit Videos I recommend

Create an action list of things to try based on the videos.

That’s it! Doing this levels you up almost as much as going to the conference itself. 🔥

Extra Credit Learning


Read my takes but draw your own conclusions



Tweet me your question—I reply to one per week

I tweeted a question from the Inner Circle this week:

My answer:

My top dozen favorite answers from you:

  1. Buy now. Be Patient. Never Sell.
  2. Get a job that pays salary and dollar-cost average every two weeks
  3. Do not invest more than your willing to lose
  4. Read, read, read, but also give things a try and start small
  5. You’re early ... be patient
  6. Think in terms of years, measure action by quarters (and more)
  7. Learn to think for yourself
  8. Avoid Maximalism
  9. Learn about monetary theory
  10. Learn how to operate
  11. Learn why the developer network effect is the #1 thing
  12. 45% BTC and 30% ETH and 15% stablecoins

I can boil it down to three words for you: buy, try, & abide.


P.S. You also might like my 1 & 32 plan for beginners…

Some recent tweets…


Level up—no interruption. $12 per mo. 20% off includes Inner Circle & Deal Sheet.

Let’s onboard 1 billion people to open finance…

If you believe in what we’re doing don’t keep it to yourself—share Bankless with as many people as possible.

Post. Tweet. Tell. That’s how we take back our money system.

Need the words? Bruno may have said it best….Bankless is not your daily brainfart

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. I’ll always disclose when this is the case.

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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