#10 - Going Bankless with Uniswap | Caleb Sheridan
Uniswap isn't a bank, isn't a company, isn't a website. It's a liquidity robot, an unstoppable trading layer for the bankless money system, the first of its kind. Ryan & David talk with Caleb Sheridan about using Uniswap for trade & profit, its ability to serve as a public good for the Ethereum economy, and the coming liquidity robot wars.
An explanation of Uniswap in 10 sentences
What you can do on Uniswap
Suppling liquidity (for profit!)
Listing assets
Bootrapping liquidity
Funding projects
Why Uniswap succeeded where others failed
If Uniswap is really unstoppable
In what ways Uniswap is a 10x improvement
The coming Liquidity Robot Wars
Uniswap as an price Oracle
The end game
This is our second of three episodes in the "King Money Protocols Series" where we talk through the three most important DeFi protocols. Stay tuned for the final episode!
Before the episode begins we also talk about:
- The Coinbase Oracle
- The UMA token sale on Uniswap
Pools.fyi - check Uniswap returns