
Culture Vibes | Market Monday

Remember when Bankless got acquired by Wells Fargo?
May 17, 20214 min read

Dear Bankless Nation,

Remember the day Bankless got acquired by Wells Fargo?

Some of you thought our April Fools satire was hilarious. Others were outraged! My inbox was flooded. (Reminder—no one can acquire the bankless movement)

But a lot of you asked if these hilarious Wells Fargo shorts were real. (They’re not! 😅)

This gave Michael Wong an idea—what if we could make the meme real? What if we transfer the bankless revolution to wearable form?

After a collab with MetaFactory the end result is this epic commemorative tee:

You can get a Wells Bankless Tee now!

This is a timed drop edition—only two days to buy it. Closes at on May 18th, 2021.


🤖 Alpha leak: when you buy the Wells Bankless tee enter your ETH address at checkout and you’ll get 42% of the price back in ROBOT 🤖 tokens.

This is only Drop #1. I’ve seen plans for future drops…they’re straight 🔥.

You’ll want them all. Sign up here so you don’t miss anything.

Scarce crypto culture swag is a big opportunity:

👉 Read about the apparel partnership between Bankless DAO and MetaFactory

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Why is culture important?

Because this is more than technology…this is a social movement.

The people are taking back their banking system.

The banks can’t stop us.

We’re building a money system by the people for the people.

Let’s spread crypto culture.


P.S. Last chance for Consensus 2021 tickets! Ray Dalio talking crypto and David Hoffman talking Ultra Sound Money. Coming May 24th. Get your tickets (BANKLESS code for $20 off).


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Market numbers 📊

  • ETH dumps -20% to $3,295 from $4,100 last Monday
  • BTC tanks -25% to $43,000 from $56,200 last Monday
  • TVL drops -15% to $72.5B from $85.4B last Monday
  • DPI cools down -4% to $529 from $550 last Monday
  • DAI stability fee on ETH holds 5.50%

Market opportunities 🤑

Yield Farming 🌾

What’s new 📰

What’s hot 🔥

Money reads 📚

Governance ⚖️


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Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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