
What’s new at Manifold 🔰

Inside Manifold’s newest NFT resources!
Oct 6, 20224 min read

Dear Bankless Nation,

I first wrote about Manifold last October when the team opened Manifold Studio, an NFT smart contract deployer and minting tool, to the public.

Since then Manifold’s builders have kept the pedal to the metal and released all sorts of new resources, like batch minting and airdrop features, for NFT creatives.

All that said, this week Manifold announced the opening of not one but two compelling new releases: Paid Claim Pages and Manifold Gallery.

Let’s walk you through the basics of how to use these features for today’s post!


Manifold expands its creator tooling

Meet Manifold Paid Claim Pages ✨

Rolled out to everyone this week, Paid Claim Pages allow creators to easily customize their own limited or open edition ERC721 or ERC1155 NFT drops.

Interested in trying this DIY NFT service out for yourself? Here are the steps you’d take if so ⮯

  1. Go to studio.manifold.xyz and connect your wallet
  2. If you haven’t already, press the New Contract button and go through the steps to edit and launch your own NFT contract on Ethereum — FAQ here
  3. Now click on the App button in your Studio home dashboard, which will bring you to this screen:
  1. Press Install and then the ensuing New Claim Page button, after which you’ll select from which of your created NFT contracts you want to launch from:
  1. Now prepare your metadata by uploading your art, adding a description, etc.
  2. On the next page customize your claim’s rules, e.g. the price of each edition (if not free), whether the mint is limited or unlimited, and whether there’s a specific start and end date, etc.
  3. Next determine your URL and create a description for your Claim Page before finally reviewing that all your mint’s details are correct, like so:
  1. Press Publish when you’re ready to proceed — Manifold will start uploading the asset’s media to Arweave (this can take a few minutes), after which you’ll be prompted to complete a transaction to register Manifold’s Claim extension to your NFT contract
  2. Finally, fire off the second transaction that you’re prompted with to actually deploy your Claim mint to mainnet
  3. Boom! Your limited or open edition NFT mint is ready to go, you’ll now have a live and dedicated Claim Page like so:

In the past, you could mint NFTs through Manifold Studio and then auction or list them for sale on external NFT marketplaces, e.g. OpenSea or LooksRare.

With the arrival of Manifold Gallery this week, now NFT creators have the option to list their Manifold NFTs directly through Manifold’s new zero-fee marketplace system.

How’s it work? It’s as simple as adding the Gallery extension to your Manifold NFT contract, just like how I installed the Claim Page app in the previous section. Then you pick your desired work, set a reserve price, and voila, you’ve now got a bespoke auction page for your NFT drop:

To install the Gallery app and start exploring, you can go to the Apps section of your Manifold Studio home dashboard and press Install on the Gallery option. Then you’d follow these steps:

  1. Press New Auction
  2. Select your desired NFT contract and the NFT you want to auction, like so:
  1. Set your auction’s reserve price
  2. Complete the listing transaction with your wallet
  3. Once that transaction’s complete you’ll have the ability to customize your Manifold URL and go to your dedicated auction page, for example

Note that all listings made through the Gallery app are then discoverable through the gallery.manifold.xyz feed. To help pieces get visibility Manifold offers a referral incentive system too, so if someone shares your creation URL (with their address embedded) they will receive an automatic 6.9% royalty from the sale.

The big picture

Manifold’s one of the most impressive projects in the NFT ecosystem right now, and as their infrastructure and DIY services continue to expand, so too do the creative capabilities of NFT creators. Own your smart contracts, own your drops, do creative on-chain things on your own terms without having to be a coder yourself — that’s the Manifold way! And that way’s pointing the way to a future where many more artists create with NFTs.

Action steps

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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