
Uniswap's Wallet Details with Callil Capuozzo, Design Lead at Uniswap Labs

Uniswap recently unveiled their brand new mobile app
Mar 8, 20231 min read

Callil Capuozzo is the VP of Design at Uniswap Labs. Uniswap recently unveiled their brand new mobile app; and we’re going to explore that here today, along with asking about the long-term vision of Uniswap Wallet, and how Uniswap Labs plans to support and develop it!


0:00 Intro

6:00 Callil's Background

12:28 Design in Crypto

16:45 Uniswap Labs

18:00 Why Wallet?

19:25 Future of Crypto Wallets

23:30 Apple Gatekeeping

34:12 Uniswap Wallet Demo

48:20 Uniswap Wallet Roadmap

51:05 What Else is Uniswap Labs Building?

53:30 Smart Contract Wallets

1:00:25 Closing & Disclosures


Callil Capuozzo


Uniswap Wallet


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