Uniswap's Wallet Details with Callil Capuozzo, Design Lead at Uniswap Labs

Callil Capuozzo is the VP of Design at Uniswap Labs. Uniswap recently unveiled their brand new mobile app; and we’re going to explore that here today, along with asking about the long-term vision of Uniswap Wallet, and how Uniswap Labs plans to support and develop it!
0:00 Intro
6:00 Callil's Background
12:28 Design in Crypto
16:45 Uniswap Labs
18:00 Why Wallet?
19:25 Future of Crypto Wallets
23:30 Apple Gatekeeping
34:12 Uniswap Wallet Demo
48:20 Uniswap Wallet Roadmap
51:05 What Else is Uniswap Labs Building?
53:30 Smart Contract Wallets
1:00:25 Closing & Disclosures
Callil Capuozzo
Uniswap Wallet