
The NFT junction 🛣️

Axie DEX chatter, a major Ringers acquisition, CrypToadz go crazy, & more!
Oct 8, 20212 min read

Dear Bankless Nation,

It’s Q4 2021, and we’re closing out what’s been the biggest year for NFTs yet.

What are your takeaways so far? What are your hopes for the future as our ecosystem continues to bloom?

It’s hard to believe how far we’ve come so fast. I think it speaks to the fact that we’ve built out a “super” crossroads of sorts, where so many different fields and talented people are now crossing paths and creating.

This doesn’t mean that things are “up only” from here. Hardly. Yet it does mean it’s getting increasingly easy for those of us who have seen the magic of this intersection to believe bigger things are coming. Have a great weekend everyone, thanks for reading!


🏆 Digital Collectibles

  • CrypToadz is topping OpenSea’s weekly volume charts right now 🐸 Catch up on what the project’s all about with the Metaversal beginner’s guide.

  • The Nouns project is popular lately. See what “synthetic” Noun is generated by your Ethereum wallet with this cool tool:

🎨 Cryptoart

  • A collector acquired Dmitri Cherniak’s Ringers #109 for 2,100 ETH!
  • “Literally the next Fidenza” … Artist Tyler Hobbs announced that he has new cryptoart is on the way.
  • Artist Oficinas TK sold XCOPY’s Bad Flavour from the TCBA Collection for 515 ETH! Most of the proceeds were distributed to artists in the TCBA Collection 👏

🎮 NFT Games

  • Axie Infinity is preparing to launch its own DEX, which the project hails as “mission critical.”

🌐 Virtual Worlds

🛒 NFT News & Platforms

  • NFT trading on Polygon is surging.
  • The decentralized publishing platform Mirror just opened up publishing to anyone.
  • Paradigm Research unveiled a new NFT primitive, RICKS. The process entails fractionalizing an NFT “into RICKS,” at which point the system “mints and sells new RICKS every day.”

💎 DeFi x NFTs

Action steps

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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