The Future of Bitcoin with Nic Carter, Eric Wall, & Udi Wertheimer

Taproot was the trojan horse that opened the door to a new wave of Bitcoin innovation and culture. At the forefront of this culture are Udi, Eric, and Nic, the taproot wizards causing a shift in the world of Bitcoin.
0:00 Intro
6:19 Introducing the Taproot Wizards
12:00 Rejected From Bitcoin Conferences
17:17 Meme and Culture Layer of Bitcoin
23:55 Taproot Was a Trojan Horse
30:28 Are Ordinals Good For Bitcoin Bags?
35:11 How Ordinals Have Changed Public Perception
41:27 A Bitcoin Civil War
47:14 "We Broke Bitcoin"
53:42 Addressing Bitcoin Media
1:04:15 Are David and Ryan Bitcoiners?
1:05:27 Closing and Disclaimers
Nic Carter
Eric Wall
Udi Wertheimer