
The Bankless Guide to Scroll

A Beginner's Guide to the Scroll L2
Jan 22, 2024 β€’ 3 min read

Scroll is a Layer 2 (L2) scaling solution for Ethereum that's designed as a "zkEVM," which is a "zero-knowledge" (ZK) rollup that's compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Since launching its mainnet in October 2023, Scroll has rapidly gained prominence in the Ethereum ecosystem and has become one of the top 10 L2 networks by size.

Key takeaways

  • Scroll uses zero-knowledge proofs to ensure its transactions. Notably, the L2 was among the first zkEVMs to launch in the cryptoeconomy.
  • The network operates through a multi-layered architecture, including settlement, sequencing, and proving layers. The result is a system that efficiently batches transactions to Ethereum, offering a fast and affordable user experience.
  • Scroll has quickly become a significant player in Ethereum's scaling landscape, supporting a burgeoning DeFi ecosystem. It now boasts more than $770 million in total value locked (TVL) across over 85 DeFi projects and counting.

How does Scroll work?

via L2BEAT

At its core, Scroll operates through a seamless multi-layered system. Its Settlement Layer acts as a bridge between Ethereum and Scroll, ensuring data availability and ordering for the L2 as well as the verification of zkEVM validity proofs. 

In tandem with this system, the Sequencing Layer takes charge of executing transactions. It combines the efforts of the Execution Node, which processes transactions directed to Scroll, and the Rollup Node, which organizes these transactions into batches and posts them to Ethereum for data availability. Additionally, the Rollup Node submits validity proofs to Ethereum, which is crucial for transaction finality. 

Complementing these layers is the Proving Layer, which is dedicated to generating zkEVM validity proofs to ensure the correctness of L2 transactions. This layer consists of a pool of provers and a coordinator who not only generate but dispatch these proofs to finalize them on the Ethereum blockchain.

Why Scroll?

Scroll stands out as one of the pioneers of zkEVM technology. Its compatibility with the EVM makes it simple for developers to adopt and integrate existing Ethereum applications onto the L2 instead of having to rewrite them in a different programming language. In this sense, Scroll offers developers the ability to build in an environment that is effectively identical to Ethereum, albeit with much faster and much cheaper transactions.

How to invest in Scroll?

Scroll hasn't released a native token yet. However, the project is currently working to decentralize its technology stack, and historically L2s have kickstarted decentralized governance by launching tokens to their communities.

That said, it seems likely that Scroll will eventually release a token, and the project's ongoing Scroll Sessions and Marks points system may help define the airdrop eligibility. If an airdrop does happen, the native token will become tradable on exchanges and offer a direct way to invest in the Scroll ecosystem.

Top Scroll projects

via Scroll

The Scroll app ecosystem features more than 100 projects today. Some of the top experiences to explore here include:

  • πŸ‘» Aave β€” a leading DeFi borrowing and lending protocol
  • πŸ›Έ Orbiter Finance β€” a popular cross-rollup bridge
  • ✏️ Pencils Protocol β€” an auction platform and yield aggregator native to Scroll
  • πŸ” Safe β€” a platform for deploying multi-signature wallets
  • πŸ‘› Zerion β€” a crypto wallet with bespoke Scroll support

More about Scroll

πŸ‘‰ Bankless Scroll Profile
πŸ‘‰ Hunt the Scroll Airdrop

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