Metaversal's Greatest Hits 💥

10 Metaversal throwback write-ups!
Sep 5, 20234 min read

Dear Bankless Nation,

I’ve been writing this Metaversal newsletter for coming up on 3 years!

That’s +400 posts now, all of which have explored and explained different areas of the NFT space.

I was looking back through these articles recently and decided to do a throwback post to highlight some of my all-time favs.

That said, here are 10 Metaversal posts that have stood the test of time and remain as relevant today as when they were first penned!


10 Metaversal Posts Worth Reading

1) Metaversal Barbarians at the Gate

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Exploring the metaphor of “metaversal barbarians,” this piece delves into the perception of the crypto community as outsiders by the mainstream. Drawing parallels between ancient barbarians and today's crypto enthusiasts, it underscores the interdependence between the “insiders” and “outsiders” of our realm. The post ends with a call to action for the crypto community to educate, build, and champion the cause of liberty in the face of misconceptions.

2) Rhizomatic NFTs

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Diving deep into the concept of rhizomatics, this article draws parallels between Ethereum, NFTs, and the rhizomatic thought introduced by philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Highlighting Ethereum and NFTs as non-hierarchical, open systems, it positions them as tools that resist traditional state structures and promote nomadic growth. If you’re always down for a good philosophic read, this one’s interesting without being too heavy.

3) ERC-6551: The NFT Game-Changer

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This one’s a beginner’s guide to ERC-6551, a.k.a. “Token Bound Accounts,” a new token standard that transforms NFTs by endowing them with the capabilities of full-fledged Ethereum accounts. This evolution allows NFTs to own assets, interact with web3 applications, and serve as enhanced onchain identities. ERC-6551 paves the way for innovative use cases, from in-game item storage to multi-wallet functionalities within a single NFT, so this read’s resonated with many.

4) Ethereum: Still the Future of the Metaverse

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My thesis? Despite current challenges, Ethereum's potential to power an open, interconnected metaverse remains undiminished. This article underscores this vision of an open metaverse built on Ethereum, leveraging its unique capabilities alongside advancements in AR, VR, and AI. The argument here is that as the metaverse concept evolves, Ethereum and its associated technologies, including NFTs, are poised to play pivotal roles in shaping this virtual frontier.

5) Mint Condition

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Determining the quality of an NFT goes beyond its visual appeal; it requires a comprehensive understanding of various factors, from metadata storage to provenance to historical significance. This article offers a deep dive into what I think are the six key criteria to assess an NFT's quality, emphasizing things like the nuances of metadata storage, the importance of provenance, and the role of rarity in determining value. Whether you're a seasoned NFT enthusiast or a newcomer, this guide provides actionable insights for the basics of NFT quality assessment.

6) Ranking NFTs

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Ever wondered how to holistically rank and compare NFT projects? In this article I introduced a comprehensive ranking system, covering 10 key criteria from creator reputation to future prospects, to evaluate the overall quality and impact of NFT collections. By applying this system, you can gain a deeper understanding of any NFT project and make yourself a better NFT analyst.

7) 2023 NFT Gaming Wishlist

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This article lays out my personal wishlist of eight rising themes to watch out for in 2023 from the NFT gaming sector. From the importance of game depth and mobile accessibility to the potential of onchain game engines and innovative “no token” models, the piece dives into how NFT games can level up.

8) Autonomous Worlds

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Venturing into the realm of autonomous worlds, this post delves into the rise of games that can run independently indefinitely, all on the blockchain. These onchain environments, representing the next evolution in NFT gaming, are not just about entertainment but also pave the way for new economic and social structures in the metaverse. With a spotlight on onchain game engines like MUD, Keystone, Dojo, and Argus, the piece paints a picture of a future where games become protocols.

9) Create Your Own PFP Collection

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To this day, Bueno’s no-code NFT tools remain some of the best I’ve ever tried. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to utilize Bueno's platform, from generating collection art with the NFT Art Generator resource to deploying a unique smart contract with the Smart Contract Deployer.

10) Decentralized Society (DeSoc) Explained

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This post introduces the concept of “Decentralized Society” or DeSoc, which emphasizes the role of non-transferable “soulbound” NFTs in representing people and the relationships they foster onchain. By bridging our sociality across virtual and physical realities, DeSoc offers a vision that moves away from web3's current hyper-financialized state. This one’s worth thinking long and hard on.

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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