
Merged NFTs 🔀

Weekly Roundup: The 1st Nouns Forks, the Frame L2, SEC aggression, and more!
Sep 15, 20234 min read

Dear Bankless Nation,

It’s now been one whole year since Ethereum conducted its Merge upgrade!

It was an incredible technical feat, but also a game changer for NFTs because it dropped Ethereum’s energy usage massively.

Now, the annual energy consumption of Ethereum’s current Proof of Stake (PoS) system is already 3,000,000% lower than Ethereum’s last year of energy consumption under Proof of Work (PoW).

Some normies still cling to the misconstrued idea that “NFTs are killing the environment,” but in actuality the new Ethereum and its growing L2 and L3 landscapes are pointing the way to a future where much of culture becomes de-physicalized via NFTs.

That’ll be a win for the planet, which needs any break it can get from physical waste and IRL overactivity, and it’ll be a win for Ethereum, which is now virtualized and ramping up for the world with scaling solutions.

In the meantime, we keep creating on Ethereum and leading by example. Thanks for reading and being along for the journey everyone, have a great weekend ✌️


📊 The big picture

Over the past week, the floor-based market cap of the NFT space slid from 8.56 million ETH to 7.99 million ETH for a 6.65% drop ⤵️

🔝 7D top collections by volume

via pro.opensea.io

📰 General news

🏆 Digital collectibles

🎨 Cryptoart & music

🎮 Decentralized gaming

🌐 Virtual worlds

🪙 NFTfi

🎆 Mint spotlight: Nakamigos CLOAKS

Nakamigos stormed onto the NFT scene earlier this year, and now the project’s looking to mix things up by releasing its first expansion collection, CLOAKS, next week. Both an early access and a public mint are slated for Thursday, September 21st, with the former being free for Nakamigos holders and the later costing 0.05 ETH a pop. Releasing a new 20k character collection is a bold move in bearish times like these, so it’ll be interesting to see how the drop plays out.
via Nakamigos

🙇 New insightful reads to level up your web3 knowledge!

1. WASD on Shoshin’s gameplay ♟️

2. Mike Selig on the SEC v. Stoner Cats 😾

3. Punk 6529 on the Three Address Protocol 🛅

✨ My NFT tool of the week: Bankless Claimables

The Bankless Product team just introduced Claimables, your crypto rewards tracker. In short, this new resource helps you discover and claim onchain goodies, from airdrops, to POAPs, to NFT mint allowlists. If you’re worried about missing out on your wallet’s powers, this is one easy way to stay plugged in. Sign up as a subscriber on Bankless.com to unlock this and the Airdrop Hunter tool!
via Bankless

😜 The SEC’s doing a killer job, just not in a good way…

via devops199fan

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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