
Is the AI Bubble Bursting?

While investor enthusiasm in AI has cooled, the underlying technology continues to improve and gain adoption. What comes next?
Aug 20, 20245 min read

Remember the good old days of late 2023, when AI coins and stocks were the hottest thing? Well, those days are gone – for now. The market has cooled its jets, leaving many investors wondering if the whole AI thing was just a flash in the pan.

It’s easy to get caught up in pessimism. Even the mighty Nvidia stock price has stumbled. But I’m here to tell you that there’s still hope for AI coins.

If we switch to our techno-optimistic glasses for a moment, we’ll see that while investor enthusiasm in AI has cooled, the underlying technology continues to improve and gain adoption.

Let’s take a closer look at the current state of the AI sector.

AI: A Balancing Act of Optimism and Caution

After a euphoric sprint, AI hardware and infra stocks like Nvidia, Dell, are experiencing a cooling-off period. Bloomberg reports these stocks are facing increasing selling pressure as the market sentiment shifts. The broader market globally is spooked, worried about future spending and the whole thing feels a bit… jittery.

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Adding to the market's jitters, the Wall Street Journal has raised concerns about the market becoming overly focused on AI, creating an echo chamber where valuations may be inflated.

Big Tech companies like Google, Meta, OpenAI, are on a spending spree, gobbling up semiconductors. As a result, the companies building the shovels, or in this case, the chips and data centers, are raking in the profits. This fuels a feedback loop where rising demand from these tech giants inflates the earnings of AI infrastructure firms like Nvidia, creating a self-serving AI echo chamber.

Consequently, while the strong performance of leading AI companies has created a perception of sector-wide success, concerns are emerging about a potential lack of innovation on the application side. If you think about it, it’s a bit like the “we need more apps not infra” debate that we know so well in crypto all over again.

But here's the thing: the underlying trends for AI adoption are still positive.

Let's explore why smart investors, including those on Wall Street, continue to bet on AI:

  • Retention rates of AI products are soaring — Companies are no longer treating AI as a passing fad. Just a year ago, only 40% of businesses that purchased AI products continued using them after a year. Today, that number has jumped to 70% or more. This dramatic increase in retention suggests businesses are finding real value in AI solutions.
  • AI is actually making us all more productive — Businesses and individuals are figuring out how to leverage AI tools to boost their efficiency – productivity is hitting record highs, and AI likely deserves a good chunk of the credit. AI is subtly but undeniably making our daily lives easier and more productive.
  • The market is poised to grow — Let's talk numbers. The global generative AI market is projected for exponential growth over the next decade, with estimations suggesting a 40% annual increase, ballooning from $40 billion in 2022 to $1.3 trillion by 2032.

Now let's shift our focus to the wild west of the AI scene: crypto x AI.

If we look at the fundraising numbers, we see that the VCs are betting on crypto x AI. Despite a decline in overall crypto fundraising since 2021, crypto x AI projects are attracting a growing share of the pie. The sector has managed to secure $450 million in 2024 – a significant 7% slice of the total $6.3 billion raised by crypto projects in 2024.

But if we’re being honest, most crypto projects don't actually need AI, and most AI projects wouldn't benefit from being bolted onto a blockchain. It's a case of two great tastes that don't necessarily always make a great milkshake.

This means investors face a daunting task: identifying the rare gems with real substance where crypto and AI truly converge to create something meaningful.

But wait, there's a glimmer of hope. Beneath the surface of this crypto-AI chaos, there are genuine sparks of promise.

Indeed, decentralization and open-source development, core values of crypto, can help AI become more fair, transparent, and community-owned and built. On the flip side, AI can help improve the user experience in crypto and make things more efficient through AI agents.

For a curated list of promising crypto x AI projects that aren’t just hype, check out this insightful article:

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Unpacking the projects innovating in zkML, AI agents, decentralized compute and more.

Closing Thoughts

AI still has mindshare and buzz. Sometimes all it takes is a little chatter to keep the fire burning, even when things get a little rough.

But let's call a spade a spade — the crypto x AI landscape is like a high-stakes poker game. There will be plenty of rug pulls and empty promises.

That said, history has shown us that disruptive innovations often emerge from unexpected places. Maybe, just maybe, there's a hidden gem waiting to be unearthed in the crossroads here.

So, while caution is advised, the potential rewards of this high-risk, high-reward crypto x AI arena make it an undeniably captivating space to watch. The current downturn in AI stocks and coins is likely a temporary blip aligned with the broader market price action, but the long-term potential of the sector remains promising.

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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