Guide to the Ethereum Roadmap | Jon Charbonneau of Delphi Digital

Proposer / Builder Separation (PBS)
Danksharding and ProtoDanksharding (DS + PDS)
Data Availability Sampling (DAS)
What the absolute HELL are these things? What do they mean for Ethereum? What's the common theme behind all of them? And what do they mean for ETH? All of these questions answered and so much more in the livestream.
0:00 Intro
6:00 The Vibe of the Ethereum Roadmap
8:50 The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ethereum
17:06 The End State of Ethereum
23:05 Data Availability Sampling
34:49 Proto to Full Danksharding
48:15 Proposer Builder Separation
54:01 Checks & Balances
56:10 Incentives in Being a Builder
1:01:50 Centralization
1:03:50 Comparing Ethereum’s Scaling Strategies
1:05:54 Value Capture
1:07:20 How Jon Understands Everything
Jon Charbonneau
Delphi Digital
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ethereum
Valuing Layer 1s - Memes, Money, or More?