
Bull Market Character Classes: Expansion Pack

Level up your ambitions in the next bull market.
Oct 23, 20236 min read

As crypto grows, so do the classes of players in The Game of Coins. Meet the next eight characters you're likely to encounter on your web3 journey!

Welcome back, Crypto™ players.

Remember when we met the first Bull Market Character Classes, introducing you to the eight base characters of the game, from Token Degens to NFT Collectors?Well, we're back with some DLC – a new expansion pack!

Before diving in, remember that players aren't confined to a single character class. While each class offers distinct skills and abilities, there's immense power in blending them. 

Indeed, full-time Crypto™ players often evolve across multiple skill trees, enhancing their gameplay by adopting characteristics from different classes. This multi-class strategy not only equips players with diverse tools to tackle challenges but also bolsters their Luck stats!

Now, let's check out the next eight character classes available to bull market adventurers.

Which will you choose? Game on! ⬇️

The Developer 🖥️ 


The developers building on, around, and in the blockchain.

These architects build the very infrastructure that keeps the decentralized world running. Their skills can revolve around traditional frontend or backend work, smart contract writing, blockchain architecture, and in some standout cases, all of the above. They don't just talk about keeping up with the latest in crypto tech; they live it. And in a rising game like Crypto™, their power's only just begun to shine. 



  • Crypto Auditor — This character combines the skills of The Dev with The Researcher to ensure that smart contracts are secure, efficient, and aligned with the governance models proposed by various projects.
  • Game Master — Combining the skills of a Dev and Onchain Gamer, this character class specializes in developing blockchain-based games with NFT loot and often play-to-earn mechanics.


Onchain Wizard 🪄


Onchain Wizards are the watchers of the chain.

With a spell book full of analytics tools and a keen understanding of transaction data, these in-game magicians can decipher even the most complex onchain activities. They see beyond the surface, diving deep into the ether to trace, verify, and explain every byte and block. When mysteries arise, or verifications are needed, it's the Onchain Wizard's staff that illuminates the path.



  • Protocol Councilor — By combining their powers with the Governance Guru class, Onchain Wizards evolve into specialists that can be tapped to serve on Protocol Councils as projects' last lines of defense, ensuring there's always someone on watch for important updates and surprise emergencies. 


NFT Creative 🎨


NFT Creatives are the artistic visionaries of crypto's metaversal frontier.

They weave tales through pixel and code, and they don't just create but also shape the culture here, blending the lines between art, collectibility, sociality, and utility. Every byte they touch turns into a canvas, all to capture the imagination of an audience that spans the globe.



  • Cryptoart Curator — At the confluence of creation and collection, this character class comes by merging the NFT Creative's aesthetic eye with the NFT Collector's discerning taste. The result? The custodians and historians of the new digital art renaissance.


The Researcher 🕵


Researchers are the brainiacs of crypto, bearing an insatiable curiosity that drives them to uncover the intricacies of web3.

Their expertise goes beyond mere data analytics as they navigate crypto narratives, dissect whitepapers, decode founder interviews; you name it. With a nose for potential unicorns and a hawk's eye for scams, they strike a balance between a detective's skepticism and a venture capitalist's forward vision. Their invaluable insights and analyses have illuminated the path to hidden treasures before, and they will again.



  • VC Analyst — By blending their skills with the Venture Capitalist class, The Researcher elevates their game to analyze not just individual projects but the broader market trends, ensuring investments that align with the future trajectory of the crypto space.


Governance Guru ✅


Governance Gurus are the policy crafters and community mobilizers of the decentralized world.

Deeply entrenched in the ever-evolving landscape of DAOs and protocol proposals, these gurus don't just study the game—they shape its rules. They understand the intricate balance between technology and community, rallying stakeholders to reach consensus and drive positive change. Every vote cast and every proposal they champion reverberates through the crypto space, sculpting its future.



  • DAO Diplomat — Bridging the Governance Guru's consensus-building expertise with the social prowess of a Twitter Influencer, this class excels in inter-DAO relations and collaborative governance.
  • Protocol Pioneer — By merging with the skills of the Dev, the Governance Guru evolves into a character class that not only shapes governance policies but also creates new ones and helps implement them directly into the code.


TradeFluencer 📣


A charismatic blend of trader insight and social media savvy, TradeFluencers are the new-age financial pundits of the digital era.

They don't just capitalize on market movements; they also broadcast their insights, influencing the very ebb and flow of the market with their posts. Their tweets aren't mere observations; they're signals—magnets that attract a bevy of copy-traders and fellow analysts. In the dynamic world of Crypto™, where a single tweet can spark a market frenzy, the TradeFluencer reigns with clout and cunning.



  • NFT Pundit — By blending their influence with the aesthetic appreciation of an NFT Collector, this evolution spots and popularizes the next big digital art or collectible trend before it gets mainstream attention.


Onchain Gamer 🎮


This character class lives at the crossroads of gaming passion and blockchain possibilities.

Onchain Gamers aren't just regular players but pioneers venturing into new frontiers like Autonomous Worlds and beyond. Their battlegrounds are as diverse as the sprawling metaverse. Whether they're grinding for a rare NFT drop, competing in DAO-run esports tournaments, or leading a guild in a decentralized MMORPG, the Onchain Gamer knows that in Crypto™, gaming isn't just fun; it's a way of life.



  • Guild Leader — Fusing organizational skills and DAO experience with gaming acumen, these specialized characters lead and manage teams of web3 gamers, ensuring optimum strategies for play-to-earn mechanisms, guild growth, and beyond.


Venture Capitalist 💼


The kings and queens of capital allocation in the crypto kingdom.

Venture Capitalists are adept at grappling with narratives and spotting potential unicorns in the sprawling meadows of startups. Armed with a discerning eye for value, strong networks, and heaps of capital, they fund the next generation of disruptive projects, hoping to shepherd them to success. Their bets? Risky. Their potential rewards? Astronomical. In the high-stakes arena of Crypto™, the VC navigates the terrain with a mix of analytical rigor, intuition, and a bit of that all-important luck.



Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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