
Ethereum 2.0 LAUNCH! 🚀

What the eve of the Eth2 genesis block means for the Ethereum community
Nov 30, 20204 min read

Dear Bankless Nation,

Tomorrow, December 1st 2020 at 12pm UTC, the first block of Ethereum 2.0 will be validated. Few words can describe this occasion or what it took to get here.

We got Vitalik Buterin to discuss the Genesis Block for Ethereum 2.0 and help us put the magnitude of this event into words. Watch Vitalik describe the Ethereum 2.0 Launch. 📺

The launch of Ethereum 2.0 is a testament to the ability of humans to coordinate without using legacy institutions like a company or corporation. Belief in the Greater Good that Ethereum 2.0 can provide to the world is what kept these distributed client teams coordinated and moving forward.

Ethereum 2.0 is here because its builders and supports collectively believed that Ethereum is fundamentally good for the world and because we as a community felt responsibility to see that it is delivered.

Ethereum 2.0 is here because people felt alignment and resonance with the values of the network and some of them actually stepped up to deliver it.

Thank you.

To the Ethereum researchers, client teams, core devs, or anyone who ever put the weight of Ethereum 2.0 on their shoulders…Thank you.

To those who believed in Ethereum, any who contributed to the community, any who added to the discussion…Thank you.

To those building applications on Ethereum 1.x, or building companies in the Ethereum ecosystem, or contributing to the Ethereum economy…Thank you.

It takes a village to build an economy and each of us had a small part in delivering Ethereum 2.0. Congratulations to everyone. 🍾

🎉 Party like it’s 2020. We’re livestreaming at 6:30am EST (11:30 AM UTC) to celebrate the launch of Ethereum 2.0. Join us for this unique moment in history! 🥳

📺 Stream available on the Bankless AND EthHub AND YieldTV YouTube channels.

Tomorrow’s validation of the genesis block is the emergence of a butterfly out of the 5-year long chrysalis of research, development, and community growth. Now we embark further into the journey into the crypto economic frontier.

We were born too late to explore the globe, too early to explore the galaxy, but we were born at the perfect moment to explore the infinite whitespace of Ethereum 2.0.

We are settlers in a New World.

We are explorers mapping the West.

We are Neil Armstrong taking a giant leap for Mankind.

With Ethereum 2.0, humanity can scale trust further than ever before. With Ethereum 2.0, the golden age of human coordination is upon us.

It all begins tomorrow.

Let’s send it 🚀


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Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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