
Bankless is a thesis driven company. Our thesis is simple: we believe crypto is a coordination technology that's powerful, investible, and a force for good.

We're not journalists.

We're explorers and investors like you.

As investors, we hold positions in crypto assets. Having skin in the game gives integrity and weight to our content. We don't just talk. We hold positions.

We also believe in transparency. You deserve to know the positions we hold.

👉 View Bankless Disclosures

Bankless disclosures are updated monthly and cover:

Individual disclosures
Includes material crypto holdings for all primary content contributors. A holding is considered material when it is:

  • A crypto asset that represents more than 5% of an individual’s portfolio
  • A token that represents > 0.1% of total token supply
  • NFTs that exceed $10k in value
  • A private crypto angel investment
  • An advisory engagement for any crypto project

Fund disclosures
Includes all crypto assets held by the Bankless Fund an investment club managed and owned by key members of the Bankless team.

Bankless LLC disclosures
Includes addresses for all onchain crypto assets held by Bankless, LLC the media entity that operates the Bankless newsletter and website.

Includes list of all current Bankless sponsors.

Last thing we'll say on this.

The most valuable asset we own is our reputation. We do not take shortcuts. We do not play pump and dump games. We do not use our community as exit liquidity.

We will never let holdings bias lead us from our core mission: to onboard the world to a more open, permissionless, and decentralized property rights system.

Hold us accountable to this.

- RSA & David

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