
Bankless Collectibles: Phase I ➡️ Phase II

Podcast NFTs are to level up.
May 16, 20232 min read

Barely six months ago, Bankless embarked on a new journey into the world of web3 media.

“Collecting podcast NFTs” was a phrase that confused even crypto natives at the time. Fast forward to today - it’s been one heck of a ride. Thank you so much to all collectors who have joined us on this journey thus far.

But we’re only just getting started. 😈

As announced on Friday, Phase I is coming to a close and we’re gearing up for a new and improved Phase II Launch soon™️.

Before we get into the details, let’s take a quick look back at some of the incredible highlights of Phase I:

  • ~2,200 total mints
  • ~540 unique holders
  • ~3.5 ETH raised for Bankless DAO
  • ~4 ETH raised for guest charity
  • 150+ ETH in total secondary volume
  • And a record-breaking 1.98 ETH sale on the SBF vs. Voorhees episode

Podcast NFTs have blown our expectations out of the water.

However, Phase I’s success didn’t come without some recent challenges. With gas prices skyrocketing and weekly mints trudging on, we felt it was time to take a step back and revisit Collectibles from the ground up.

The goal of Phase II will be to double down on what’s been working, build what needs building, and level-up Bankless Collectibles in all ways, shapes, and forms possible.

What’s Next?

Two weeks from today, four things will happen:

  1. All Phase I Monday Mint & Gauntlet Friday collections that haven’t been fully minted out by the 2-week deadline will be forever closed. No more Phase I editions can ever be minted after the 2-week deadline.
  • To see all Phase I Bankless Collectibles that haven’t minted out yet, go here.
  • To view the 2-week deadline timer, go here.

2. At the end of the 2-week deadline, a snapshot will be taken of all current holders of the Phase I:

  • Genesis Collection
  • Gauntlet Fridays
  • Monday Mints

3. Genesis Collection holders who hold ALL 5 Genesis Collection pieces in the same wallet will be airdropped a very special NFT. Here are the 5 Genesis Collection NFTs you must hold in the same wallet by the end of the 2-week deadline:

  • Episode I - The SBF vs. Erik Voorhees Debate ☠️
  • Episode II - The Crypto Renaissance | Josh Rosenthal 👨‍🎨
  • Episode III - The Ownership Economy | Li Jin 💯
  • Episode IV - Ultra Sound Money | Justin Drake 🦇
  • Episode V - Endgame | Vitalik Buterin 🎮

4. All holders of any singular 1 of the below pieces will be eligible to claim their Phase I Bankless Collectible commemorative piece(s). Each below piece held = 1 Phase I Bankless Collectible commemorative piece. Here are the pieces below:

  • Any Genesis Collection NFT (excluding wallets that hold all 5 pieces)
  • Any Monday Mint NFT (including bonus Gauntlet Friday mints)

Phase II

Two weeks from today, once all of the mints have closed, a snapshot will be taken of all holders.

After the snapshot is taken, we’ll airdrop the special NFT (see #3). At the same time, we’ll also open and set the claim period for Bankless Collectible commemorative piece(s) to be claimed (see #4).

As soon as the claim period ends, Collectibles Phase I will be over and we’ll unveil our grand plans for Phase II.


We’re just getting started. We’ve got big plans for the future of Bankless Collectibles and how it ties into Bankless’s broader vision. 😈

Stay tuned and see you in 2 weeks. 🫡

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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