
Batch trading NFTs with Genie šŸ§ž

NFT marketplace aggregator Genie is now live for the public!
Nov 16, 2021 ā€¢ 3 min read

Dear Bankless Nation,

The NFT ecosystem is young, and we need more infrastructure in pretty much all directions.

Thatā€™s why one project Iā€™m incredibly excited about, both as a proponent of NFTs and as an NFT user, is Genie.

Prior to today if you wanted to buy or sell NFTs, you basically had to do so one at a time and through a single marketplace. Genie changes all that.

Indeed, the ā€œmetaverseā€™s aggregatorā€ lets you batch list NFTs and batch swap any combo of NFTs, ETH, and ERC20s across multiple NFT platforms like OpenSea, Rarible, NFTX, and beyond. The project went live for public use today, so letā€™s get you up to speed!


Genie: the bazaar of NFT marketplaces

ā€œGenieā€™s mission is to build the metaverseā€™s aggregator so that citizens can access all liquidity and information regardless of its location. Genie will deliver immutable wishes whether youā€™re interacting with our interface or making a voice command in a virtual world. A fragmented world needs an aggregator. The metaverse needs a Genie.ā€ ā€” Introducing Genie

Genie is the NFT ecosystemā€™s first dedicated NFT marketplace aggregator.

The project makes ā€œsweeping the floor,ā€ or buying multiple floor-price NFTs, possible in a single transaction across multiple platforms and with whatever tokens you want. It also supports efficiently batch listing NFTs across multiple platforms, too.

Is this the start of the socio-economic railing that will connect metagalaxies into a metaverse over time? Could be! And making these possibilities come to life in the here and now are Genieā€™s first flagship products: Genie Swap and Genie List.

Genie Swap explained

Genie Swap is a one-stop hub for ERC-721 trades (and soon ERC-1155 trades) across projects like OpenSea, Rarible, NFTX, NFT20, and later more as new platforms are supported, e.g. Coinbase NFT.

Importantly, Genie Swapā€™s efficient routing system and batch trading feature makes it easy for users to save on costs and time. The dapp has notably powered +5,550 ETH worth of volume since its beta launch back in August.

Via @niftytable on Dune Analytics

How to use Genie Swap

Hereā€™s a Genie Swap user guide, as sourced from the Genie Discord:

Genie List explained

Genie List lets you list multiple NFTs for sale across different NFT platforms simultaneously. The product, which supports OpenSea and Rarible for now, lets you customize your offers and is ideal for NFTs that currently donā€™t have liquidity pools on NFTX and NFT20.

The advantage of this system? It allows users to quickly side-step the young NFT marketplace ecosystemā€™s fragmentation on their own terms.

How to use Genie List

Hereā€™s a Genie List user guide, also sourced from the Genie Discord:

šŸ§ž Additional Genie resources šŸ§ž

What comes next for Genie?

The Genie project may prove to be a game changer for the NFT economy over time. In short, the dapp makes it considerably easier for novices and veterans alike to trade NFTs (both for small and large exchanges), and this is a big deal!

As for what comes next for Genie, the projectā€™s team has said more marketplace integrations and ERC-1155 support are immediate priorities. Zooming out further, the project will likely eventually expand toward additional market services, e.g. NFT rentals. Keep this aggregator on your radar, then!

Action steps

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Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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