Bankless Updates

'Bankless Onchain' Phase II: Mint Our History

Bankless NFTs are back with some help from Zora.
May 21, 20244 min read

Last year, Bankless entered the podcast collectibles space with a bang. Our Phase 1 collection was a novel journey into onchain media and gave our fans the opportunity to collect some of the most exciting moments in Bankless history.

While Phase 1 was a big success – with over 500 unique collectors and 2500+ mints – rising gas prices and community feedback on the weekly mints led us to take a step back and re-examine our onchain strategy.

Since pressing pause, quite a lot has changed in the world of onchain media! L2 networks have hit their stride, more platforms for minting media content have sprung up, and the collector base on Ethereum continues to grow. 

All the while, the Bankless Podcast has continued to drop hot episodes that are begging to land onchain. We’ve experimented with minting some of our favorite episodes, but we haven’t gone all the way.

We want to mint them all.

Today, we’re excited to announce Phase II - Bankless Onchain: Minting Bankless History.

You can mint the entire Bankless podcast archive for the next 60 days:

Minting Bankless History

Phase II just brought nearly the entire Bankless Podcast onchain, over 800 episodes are now available as Zora Open Editions for 60 days only. 

The archive mint details are as follows:

  • The archives will be available for anyone to mint for 60 days only.
  • Any wallet can mint as many editions as they want.
  • Each mint will cost the default 0.000777 ETH Zora mint fee.

Over the course of the 60-day mint period, we’ll showcase “playlists” that highlight each year’s ten most-downloaded episodes. 

With low minting and gas fees on Zora, sure, you can snag every one of your favorite episodes, but we want to hear why you minted what you did–so @ us on twitter or farcaster when you mint! We want the whole community to share in the moment.

Also, if you’d like to hang out with other Bankless Collectors, we spun up a token-gated Discord channel. 👀

Please remember! You can only mint the entire Bankless podcast archive for the next 60 days:

Phase II – Bankless Onchain [Archive]
Phase II – Bankless Onchain: Minting Bankless History. Phase II will bring close to the entire Bankless Podcast onchain, over 800+ episodes available as Zora Open Editions. The archives will be available to mint for 60 days as a free Zora mint. Bankless is committed to continuing the journey to bring our content onchain. Starting today, as soon as an episode is available to listen, it’ll also be available to mint.

The archive is just the start. Starting today, we’ll be minting all new episodes of the podcast as they are released. The new rule – if you can listen to a Bankless episode you can now collect it too (only mintable for 60-days after the episode has been published).

To follow along and mint new podcast episodes as they’re released, you can bookmark this collection here: https://bankless.cc/onchain   

Bringing the Bankless Podcast onchain not only gives our fans a way to collect their favorite episodes, but it also brings a high-signal way for our community to showcase what they want to see more of. And again, join other Bankless Collectors in our token-gated Discord channel!

Love for Phase I Collectors...

And of course, we didn’t forget about our collectors from Phase I.

Everyone who minted from the first phase of Bankless Collectibles showcased their support for our onchain journey. We really appreciate it, and as such, we wanted to make sure that Phase I collectors got an exclusive head start in claiming some of our favorite episodes in Phase II.

All Phase I collectors who previously collected one or more episodes will be airdropped Ryan and David’s ten favorite episodes from the archives. Check your wallet by connecting your wallet to Zora: https://zora.co[insert_your_wallet_address]

Also, find more information and Ryan Sean Adam’s commentary on why we chose to airdrop the 10 we did:

Ryan and David’s Top Ten Episodes on Bankless
We’re airdropping these 10 special episode NFTs to all of our Phase 1 collectors.

Additionally, collectors who hold all 5 Genesis collectibles will receive LIFETIME Bankless Citizenship. If you are already a Citizen, you will be converted into a free lifetime member.

To receive this perk, you must be holding all 5 Genesis collectibles in the same wallet: 

  1. Episode I - The SBF vs. Erik Voorhees Debate
  2. Episode II - The Crypto Renaissance | Josh Rosenthal
  3. Episode III - The Ownership Economy | Li Jin
  4. Episode IV - Ultra Sound Money | Justin Drake
  5. Episode V - Endgame | Vitalik Buterin

To receive Lifetime Citizenship, make sure your wallet is connected to your account on bankless.com, then we'll automatically detect the NFTs in your wallet. From there, an email will be sent confirming your Citizenship. If you have any issues, please contact support

Massive appreciation to Bello for their onchain analytics help. 


We couldn’t be more excited to share this next chapter of Bankless Onchain with you.

Keep an eye out over the next few months as we celebrate Bankless history while charging forward into the future of onchain media.

Mint the entire Bankless podcast archive for the next 60 days: https://bankless.cc/OnchainArchive

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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