
Announcing Bankless Collectibles

Collect the most iconic Bankless episodes...proceeds from the first drop going to CoinCenter
Nov 18, 20224 min read

Dear Bankless Nation,

The last couple of weeks have been surreal.

The collapse of FTX, the fall of the crypto banks, the uncovering of the SBF fraud…

This episode is forever seared into my brain.

A little over two weeks ago we had Sam on the podcast debating Erik Voorhees on DeFi regulation. Today, Sam’s entire crypto empire rests in a pile of smoldering ruins.

Some people say this episode kicked off the series of events that uncovered this mess.

We’ve been planning to kick off Bankless podcast collectibles for a while now.

We’re doing it today by tokenizing the legendary SBF vs. Voorhees debate as a collectible podcast.

We’re hoping this collectible can undue some of the damage done to crypto by SBF in Washington D.C.

👉 View the SBF vs Erik Voorhees podcast collectible👈

For this first collectible, we’re giving away 100% of all proceeds to Coincenter.

On-chain effective altruism.

Early access and discount for all Bankless DAO members at 12pm EST

Public mint access at 1pm EST.

Don’t miss it.

More importantly - we’re planting our flag on a broader, long-term mission.

Let’s learn more 👇

A Journey Towards Web3 Media

We want to use Web3 to rethink media.

A new journey for the Bankless community…

✨ Introducing Bankless Collectibles ✨

Bankless Collectibles are limited edition NFTs for the 100 true fans of every episode.

It’s a new exploration for how we can build a deeper relationship with our community and way for the biggest Bankless fans to become more engaged in the content that we create.

If you resonate with something that someone creates, you should be able to collect it. You should be able to show that level of support.

To start this experiment, Bankless Collectibles will begin with the Genesis Collection:

5 legendary Bankless episodes over 5 weeks.

One episode every Friday.

100 editions each.

That means the first episode in the collection drops later today on Friday, November 18th, 2022.

🗓 Check below for the full schedule!

Genesis Collection: Drop #1

The debate between Sam Bankman Fried and Erik Voorhees ended up becoming one of the most legendary episodes we’ve ever recorded.

One side was defending an open, credibly neutral financial system for the world.

The other was fighting to make it closed and permissioned to appease regulators.

The antithesis of DeFi.

It ended up being SBF’s final public appearance before the collapse of his empire.

An iconic episode?

We think so.

👑 The SBF vs. Erik Voorhees Debate 👑

As mentioned above, 100% of all proceeds from this first collectible will go to CoinCenter to help fight for DeFi values in the U.S.

A small gesture to help undo the massive damage done by SBF.

Donation enforced by on-chain code. Verify it yourself.

The Tea on Bankless Collectibles 🍵

Bankless Collectibles are the first podcast NFTs built on Sound Protocol. 🏆

Each tokenized episode comes with a full mp3 file of the recording (no ads!!) and custom artwork from Crypto Bushi.

The artwork’s sound wave is generated from a pivotal moment in each episode.

To gamify this experience a bit, we’ve also included a Golden Egg — a special 1/1 edition within each drop that’s randomly assigned once the sale finishes.

The Golden Egg. Ooooh shiny…

Every collector from the Genesis Collection will have the ability to join an exclusive Telegram Channel powered by Guild.xyz.

📚 Check out our archive for more on Sound Protocol & web3 media:

Genesis Collection Details

Here’s the breakdown of the initial sale for the Genesis Collection.

This will be true for every episode!

🏴 Pre-Sale

  • Who: Bankless DAO Members (35,000 BANK)
  • When: Friday’s at 12pm EST
  • Editions Available: 50
  • Mint Price: 0.04 ETH
Snapshot for Bankless DAO members will happen 24 hours in advance of the pre-sale.

🫂 Public Sale

  • Public Sale: Anyone!
  • When: Friday’s at 1pm EST
  • Editions Available: 50
  • Mint Price: 0.05 ETH

Future episodes in the Genesis Collection will be announced on a week by week basis.

A New Settlement

This is our first foray into web3 media. A flag in the ground.

As always, there are risks. You can lose what you put in. This is the frontier.

It’s not for everyone, but for all prospective collectors…

We appreciate you all.


P.S. Special thank you to Lucas, Crypto Bushi, BlockchainBrett, Coopahtroopa, David Greenstein & Sound.xyz team, Matt Alston & Bonfire team. All of you helped inspire and build this new journey. 🙏

Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.