
Analyzing NFTs with DeGenData

DeGenData is an NFT data lab worth having on your radar!
Jun 3, 20212 min read

Dear Bankless Nation,

In the NFT ecosystem, the importance of being able to analyze and understand on-chain data can’t be understated. If you’re not tracking on-chain activity periodically, it’s a bit like you’re flying blind.

On the flip side, tracking this data is akin to flying by your instruments: you can capably navigate the current pulse of NFT projects basically with this data alone.

All that said, what helps tremendously is having an NFT on-chain analytics platform that makes it easy to review and search through key pieces of info. One such upstart project doing good work here is DeGenData.

Launched back in March as inspired by the crossroads of DeFi and generative art/NFTs, DeGenData is an NFT data lab that provides analytics dashboards for multiple top NFT projects and counting. Let’s explore what these dashboards have to offer in today’s Metaversal!


NFT data digging with DeGenData

Created by a “team of traders, engineers, data scientists, and smart contract developers,” DeGenData has the feel of an NFT analytics platform built for NFT users by NFT users.

That’s because DeGenData provides custom-tailored, standalone dashboards for all the projects it covers, which allows users to get a more granular sense of on-chain activity than they can through more generalized dashboards that cover the same basic metrics for all NFT projects at once.

In this way, DeGenData’s particularly useful because it lets you easily track stats that are unique and important to each of the supported projects and because the platform lets you readily search for these stats across a range of different time spans.

For example, let’s say you’ve been tasked with creating a research report on the overall performance of the CryptoPunks market in Q1 2021. With DeGenData, you can set a search’s time parameters from Jan. 1st to Mar. 31st 2021 like in the image above and then quickly start analyzing the activity from that period. Also in aforementioned image you can see the sorts of stats you can search through, like attributes, buyers, sellers, sex, and skin.

And again, all these dashboards provide tailor-made insights for the projects, so the Ringers dashboard lets you search through signature categories like “Peg Layout” and “Peg Style,” the Cryptovoxels dashboard lets you track sales around specific build sizes, and so forth.

Moreover, DeGenData only launched a matter of weeks ago, thus we can reasonably assume the team will continue to add dashboards for further choice NFT projects as time goes on. Maybe you don’t see the project you want info for now, but it could be coming in the not too distant future.

Zooming out, then, if you ever find yourself having a question about the activity around a top NFT project during a given window of time, consider checking DeGenData or other platforms like it. It’s certainly one way to start building up your NFT analyst muscles!

Action steps

  • 👀 Go check out one of DeGenData’s dashboards. Try tinkering with the search parameters to get a feel for how to dig through the data.

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Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here.

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