The Bull Case for zkBTC

The three go over the bull case for ZK-Rollups on Bitcoin. It’s undoubtedly the frontier.
0:00 Intro
5:10 John’s Background
8:24 How zkBTC Works?
11:00 Eric’s Interest
15:43 A Better Lightning Network?
21:33 Rollups on ETH vs. Lightning Network
25:50 Rollup Potential
29:24 Optimism
32:15 Expressivity
43:53 Limitless Bitcoin Applications
46:29 Layer 3 Protocols
50:25 What Needs to Happen
52:05 Forks & Flippening Effects
58:00 Proof Systems & Recursive Covenants
1:09:40 Next Steps
1:12:00 Research
1:14:12 Eric’s Thoughts on Bitcoin
1:16:50 Closing & Disclaimers
John Light
Eric Wall
Validity Rollups on Bitcoin