The Power Of Property Rights With Hernando De Soto

The first think you need to know about crypto is, "what is money?"
The second is, "what is property?" and that is our topic for today.
Joining us is notorious economist Hernando De Soto who is here to give us a masterclass on the world of property right and why we need to tokenize the world.
00:00:00 Intro
00:06:38 Welcome Hernando
00:08:34 History of Property Rights
00:12:31 Property Rights in The US
00:20:27 Value of Property Right Management Systems
00:27:34 The Role of Buerocracy
00:33:09 Advantage of Strong Property Rights
00:40:58 Other Countries Property Rights Systems
00:48:10 Comparing Property Rights Systems
01:00:20 Capitalism
01:07:32 Blockchains and Crypto
01:18:13 Summarizing Blockchain
01:23:54 Dealing With Politics
01:32:30 Closing Thoughts