
12 - The Protocol Sink Thesis

How DeFi protocols become the foundation for everything
May 18, 20201 min read

When someone gives you money how confident are you that it's really yours? That's a settlement guarantee. It operates at the base layer of our societal tech stack and usually requires law and nation-states to enforce. With crypto we have something new, we have settlement assurances. That changes everything.

Protocols with higher settlement assurances are more dense. They sink to the bottom of our societal tech stack and become the foundation for everything else. This is the protocol sink thesis, that DeFi protocols with the highest settlement assurance will become the base layer..the base layer for crypto banks, commercial banks, and even nation-state banks.

When enough value is locked and enough time has passed, the money protocols win. That's what the thesis predicts!

Dive into the protocol sink thesis w/ Ryan & David!


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