📺 Ethereum vs the STABLE Act

Rohan Grey is an assistant professor of Law at Willamette University, an Advisor to politicians including Rashida Tlaib, and one of the authors of the STABLE Act, which wants to impose Federal Bank Chartering upon any stablecoin issuer.
Interesting, this proposed legislation includes entities like Square's Cash App or PayPal! Anything that offers a claim on 1 Dollar is cited by this law.
Rohan and the STABLE Act appear to be an outgrowth of the rise of MMT and the power and ability of the state to solve economic problems like poverty and joblessness. Rohan wants to protect 'money', which he believes is a public institution that needs protecting!
Also interestingly, the goals of the STABLE Act and DeFi are highly similar, yet are opposing in their strategies for achieving these goals.
Tune into the conversation to learn about a diversity of perspectives regarding how to protect money!
Coin Center's comment on the STABLE Act: