37 - Crypto is Empowering | Phil Bonello

Phil Bonelo:
- Director of Research of Greyscale
- Former ikigai asset management
- Messari. How crypto powers the individual.
Phil speaks about technology for the people by the people, a central theme of the Bankless Nation.
Crypto is an empowering technology.
Elliptic curve cryptography provides the maximum level of ownership assurances over property, a service that the Nation State historically has had monopoly over.
Cryptocurrency is a subset of cryptography. Cryptography powers more thing than just 'crypto'.
Why is it important to have individual-empowering technology?
How does encryption empower the individual? Is this good?
How does cryptography impact global labor markets?
What does an internet-enabled economy produce?
What else can we do with this power?
Join us as we go on this journey!